The Star of Azazel’s fundamental thesis is to bring together different forms of spiritual and occult search. The basis of operation is formed by the seven principles of the Star of Azazel and the three theosophical articles. The Star of Azazel differs from traditional theosophical occultism by introducing Satanic philosophy as a positive value.
Its philosophical basis was founded in the text Polyharmonia in 1999, and its constitution signed in 2006. From 2018 onwards, the Star of Azazel has been operating through a freely adoptable system of ideology, which is autonomically applied to the use of lodges and individuals alike. The society has ceased, but the fraternity lives.
This website is a collection of knowledge on the Star of Azazel’s philosophy and practices, and its upkeep and maintenance are overseen by Graal lodge.
Minor Update: Lodges
Forums Archived
The Serpent & The Star – Podcast on Theistic Satanism
Lodge Classifications
Unseen Fire III released
New Articles on Hermeticism
January’s article update: Sexuality of an Occultist
Lodge Information Updates and a New Lodge Announced
Second article for December: Truthfulness as a Spiritual Practice
As the Winter Solstice is Drawing Near…
Article Update of November: Cartazon and A New Path IV
Article Update of October
Article Update of September
Article: A New Path – Working Through Grades
Article: Lodge Based Fraternity
New forums
Changing to the Lodge-Oriented Society
SoA books available to North American audience
SoA at the upcoming COVENANT festival in Vancouver, Canada
Unseen Fire II released