© Sor Cerastes 2019
As of July 2018, the Star of Azazel shifted from a central government to a Lodge-based structure. In this new structure, Lodges define their emphasis and general conditions independently of each other, while still being united by a core set of principles. Although they still run under the common ideological banner of the Star of Azazel, every lodge has full autonomy of decision and action. This restructuring allows for diversity in a way that wasn’t possible before. Now each lodge is free to work within its own unique interpretation of the shared ideals of the Star of Azazel according to the wishes of their respective members. This allows each potential new member to choose the lodge(s) s/he feels the most drawn to. Application to multiple lodges is permitted.
Occultism has many starting points and, once a society reaches a certain amount of members, a unified, centralized set of rules and praxis may not satisfy each member’s specific needs and desires. The intimacy of specific approaches can flower further in more closed environments, while more open approaches can cultivate the fruits of wider dynamism. The smaller the group, the less formality and structure needed for organization.
A common goal by no means requires everyone to follow the same path, and a ready-made strategy that is equally right and effective for everyone cannot exist. Therefore, at its core, the society is both unifying and separating. It connects different spiritual paths that are seemingly opposites, but still form a union – completing each other, and coming full circle. This inner philosophy represents itself within the lodge-oriented structure.
This approach avoids fanaticism or even a sectarian bias, because unlike purely collectivist-oriented groups, there are no all-knowing gurus within the Star of Azazel. We are not looking for blind followers, but for open-eyed and open-minded individuals. Different opinions and interpretations are not only accepted, we appreciate and encourage them.
The lodges themselves decide to what extent regular meetings or joint projects (like rituals or other activities) are useful to achieve their goals. They also decide what information will stay in their inner circle, and what will be made accessible to the public.
As a society, we do not primarily strive to change the external, visible world, but to achieve the inner realization of our ideology, which we believe will then be followed automatically by the desired external change. Any work done in the pursuit of this ideal has a positive effect on both the development of the individual and the society. The more the member “opens” themselves up to the society, the more they will contribute to its goals and benefit themselves as well. At least in this sense, our community is strongly occult; It works according to the principles of a spiritual group, not those of an operation. Inner development is a process initiated by the respective member and can’t be initiated or overseen by a teacher. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the personal responsibility of each member. Finding one’s own way through the maze of the material and spiritual worlds is difficult, and the exchange of thoughts and knowledge with people who have undergone their own journeys is valuable. It also fosters a supportive environment for the different paths that often cross each other and sometimes meet right in the middle.
The most important factor is the EGO, but in the occult and not the traditional sense of the word. Everyone is responsible for themselves, and when the members of a lodge share the same ideology and passion for seeking Truth, there can be a powerful synergy both within the lodge and within the society.
Membership does not automatically change the daily life of a member, nor does it give him the chance to project personal needs to a larger circle. It may, however, change ones energetical intensity – depending, for example, on how drastic a change the signing of the ideals carried forth is to the ethical conduct held before. A shared path in a brotherhood has a great potential for igniting ones own Will towards greater demand. Thus it is a wise thing to consider where I, as an applicant, stand in relation to these ideals at the moment. Every changing process must be initiated by the individual, and in order to benefit from membership, we encourage members to get involved within the work of their lodge and the SoA as a whole.
There are endless possibilities, and everyone can contribute to the work with their individual footprint. Even the organizational subtleties are not carved in stone, because the society is undergoing constant change on an individual and collective level. Accordingly, the activities and processes have always been subject to new influences and ideas that help our temple grow in spirit and number.
To form a new Lodge officially within the Star of Azazel, the following criteria must be met:
• The seven principles of the Star of Azazel & the three theosophical articles must be signed and agreed with.
• All members must be over the age of 18.
• Political influence and rhetoric must be left outside of the brotherhood work.
• The ideal of non-violence must held as a central part of the ideology.
• An annual report must be sent to the Chalice aspect at a prearranged date.
• Lodges must have a minimum of 3 members.
Official lodges receive the following concrete benefits:
• The lodge will be listed on the the azazel.fi lodge list, with the possibility for its own sub-page.
• Lodge members will gain access to the members area of the forums.
• Lodges may use the common P.O. box.
• Lodge members may participate in the annual and half-year meetings.
• Lodge members gain access to the society’s library.
• For a small fee, the lodge members gain to rights to have an azazel.fi email box.
• The lodge will be added as a recipient of the Star of Azazel newsletter.