© Fra Nefastos 1999 (translation 2013)
The things forgotten of which an understanding would greatly benefit our age:
1) Unity and oneness of all.
2) Sameness of spirit and matter, leading towards universal pantheism.
3) Importance of the unification of opposites – of intelligence and love, strength and serenity – in one’s personal life.
These all clearly belong to a single realization, which if actualized would be a portal to spirituality at last, away from idolatry, selfishness, and the tyranny of intellectualism as an end in itself.
Dear reader, you who love truth: read what I have written and judge gently. If you find truth in the words, then they have their origin in Spirit, in the Silent Speaker of Nature; but if you find lies and fantasy, then they are the delusion of my own mind and derive from pride and blindness. What I have written, I have written concerning practice and not dry and fruitless intellectualism, and therefore this writing does not strive as much towards the perfection of form as towards a purity of essence, and the reader will do wisely if he directs attention to the internal contents instead of the deficiency of the external shell.