© fra Keefas 2006
1) To form the nucleus a Universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction to race, colour, or creed.
2) To promote the study of comparative science of religion, philosophy and natural science.
3) To investigate the hidden mysteries of nature and the powers latent in man.
As our society is based on the renaissance of occultism lead by the impulse set afoot in the circle of the theosophic society and because we acknowledge those principal ideas as a just foundation for spiritual work (were it accomplished by us or by others) it becomes inevitable to clear and underline what the three objectives of the theosophic constitution mean in the light of our interpretation. This is because the same impulse has in the past decades produced and established surprisingly large scale of fringe phenomenons and in the circles of these, all the basic ideas and the clandestine nucleus of everything from which all spiritual and physical phenomenon emanate and return to, are solemnly forgotten. The purpose of this manuscript is dual by it’s nature; on one hand it should underline the meaning and direct adaptations of the philosophy of unity to those who have lost from their sight the ideal of a spiritually evolutive path but still are interested in the occult and on the other hand to present how satanic world view can live in unison with these ideas and actually presupposes thorough understanding of them.
To our minds one who denies one’s responsibilities to practice fraternity, offer material to comparing study and in turn study the laws of nature and man cannot think of oneself as an occultist. On one hand Theosophical society and it’s siblings have many times succumbed to the underlining of the mere first objective or even to supporting hero-worship. On the other hand the brothers of the shadow or the followers of the left hand path have almost completely rejected the first two objectives, underlining the development of the powers of the inner human.
- First of all, how can universal fraternity be taken as a part of any evolutive path separating the ”awakened” and the ”masses”? Somebody could cry out “there’s no such thing as equality” trying to deny the idea of fraternity this way even as a possibility. The doctrine of fraternity doesn’t presuppose imaginary equality but rather the other way around it forgives even large differences in evolutive degree and in the extent of mind (and needless to mention in the lower aspects) in the light of one denominator, the most high. This common denominator is that undestructable seed living in all essences inside unity, from the highest arch angel to the smallest part of physical atom. This seed is Âtma and it’s universal manifestations in all existent. When an initiate elevates on the stairs of sattva he develops naturally this ability to see the unity of all emanation to it’s central point and the initiate will perceive all creation either as beutiful or as ugly depending on the path one has chosen. Due to this, one cannot focus negative energy in it’s regressing form to those separated seeds that are one with the Self or experience the separation or speciality of ego (which as feelings are even though necessary for evolution, almost completely illusionary) in this world: one’s hatred or love is divine for sake of this mystery. The hatred is naturally focused towards the essence which broke perfection and let all that is existant to experience agony and is due to the love towards all that is created; all that ego can identify with ie. the essences inside unity. In a way Parabrahman is outside the unity: being the unity in itself or the Self of unity, it is incapable to act directly. Action – ruach or that which moves – is always limited.The humane concept of equality is erroneous and like many other a modern view it includes a dissolutive paradox in itself: Although every human being is different and so differently valued ie. unequal, he / she is equal in the scheme of science. Anyone can see the conflict in this kind of deduction without true, eternal basis. Only seeing unity can awaken profound love towards all existence, were it of material, astral, bestial, humane or divine nature.On the other hand somebody comment on the integrity of the theosophical interpretation. For example according to the founding member of the theosophical society of the United States of America, William Q. Judge the universal distribution of the ethereal medium or âkâsa “as a fact in nature is metaphysically expressed in the terms “Universal Brotherhood” and “Spiritual Identity” (- the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali). We cannot know what he specifically ment with this but the âkâsic level is an already manifested level and in our opinion, while all manifestation is manifestation of Parabrahman or Absolute de facto, true fraternity explains itself only in relation to the un-created part in the created and inside humankind the consciousness able to struggle for the knowledge of that un-created (which was propably what Judge aimed for in his comment).Consciousness, the circle of the Ego reveals itself again and for a good reason. This circle is universal and the separation of consciousness is in a way due to the law of Karma: Human monad to which Karma attaches itself limits the mind only to that objective information that an individual gains throughout his life. Even though, the borderline doesn’t exist it stays unbroken because of humane faith (!) if the higher Manas doesn’t awake and take the lead from the lower.
- We could simply deduct the activity following the understanding of the second objective consisting of releasing written material and public debate. This kind of activity is indeed necessary as all times and places have their own problems and solutions due to the functioning of the lower part of the human mind which comprehends ideas only in relation to these two. We underline the meanings of Death (from the process phases of life) and Satan, the highest one created in the evolution of the inner human for these great mysteries have been rejected over and over again by the majority of the minds of humankind and the ideal of the Path has become harmfully one-sided. The same work can be done in a number of ways equal to the number of the contributing minds and the invisible evolutive work affecting the collective sub-consciousness is no less in worth than publishing work and less bound to matter. The “material” in the second objective can be taken similarly effective to either consciousness or sub-consciousness. Human mind functions so that Tshitta (the thought substance) modificates itself into the object in observation. As we have already proven (Fosforos: Polyharmony, chapter II), this is what the functioning of the mind is all about: the presence of the sensed (either with physical senses or with clairvoyance) object in the observer (the mind) or even more accurately the unity of the object and the observer. Would the higher manas of a human being lead a life attached to the profane substance, this identification goes on in dreams and that kind of states, wake-consciousness doesn’t rule. This is why the work done with thinking is amongst the most important (if it isn’t the most important) of the forms of our activity. Sometimes it is enough to think ideas through in their metaphysical “formless form” to up there – from there they will have an effect upon that part of humankind through which soul still breathes.
- The third objective if my memory serves me right used to sport the sentence ”to develop the hidden powers in man” but soon changed to it’s present form, perhaps because Blavatsky gained more knowledge about practical occultism and saw this kind of phrasing leading to too unilateral an interpretation. Skills without understanding lead to selfishness and understanding that doesn’t prohibit skill is not real – in what extent understand something about the hidden powers in nature and man to the same extent we gain the rule over them. Therefore this third and the last objective includes all practical occultism ie. esotericism and the inner circles of the societies. Blavatsky says it is “our duty to keep alive in man his spiritual intuitions” ( -The Key to Theosophy). These intuitions or should say this intuition is one of the only connections of our consciousness to the mysteries of the spiritual world. If this intuition would stop it’s activity in the profane part of humankind, the collective spiritual evolution of the latter would slow down pushing the pain the consciousnesses in the world experience to maximum. Agony is a critical factor when comprehending this objective for according to the old wise saying, people suffer because their ignorance when it comes to the laws of the spirit and dependant on how those few exceptional invidiuals which appear in every time will understand the hidden wisdom they in their part lead the evolution of the humankind. It is unavoidable to those who in theirselves have awakened the flame to fight and to suffer on behalf of the world because the world cannot do so. Even a satanist who has denied that world is amongst the accomplishers of the same plan and from this fact, as we have presented and dependant of how acknowledged of it he may be, he gets the light – or darkness – to his days ie. the energy he’s feeding his hatred with and serves the humankind with pure unselfishness, with no other demand than truth.