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Re: I see world as...

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:28 pm
by Nebenkheperu
Aperiemus wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:18 am When I read your posts, I don't see a dumbass but a lion.
Well, thank you for uttering that hype...I choose to take it as a compliment! Funnily(?) enough, my "real" name maps to that selfsame Biblical evangelist symbolised by the lion.

And thanks to all the others who replied too.
Yet, in my above query I fear I may have expressed myself less than crystal-clearly (again!).

I was/am not really concerned with the problem of evil; rather I seem to have a problem of futility here, or at least with perceived futility.

You see, I've practiced "the occult" in various of its currents/systems/styles actively for over 30+ years now. But as of recent I've (re)delved into Theosophy, perhaps not surprisingly, since I decided to join the SoA.
To me (thus far) Theosophy has seemed like a rather broad-ranging & vast philosophy and one I'm keen to study and embrace, perhaps even somewhat "fundamentally" initially. I've found such to be a good initial mindset when researching (in theory & practice) any metaphysical system. To be strict about it at first and then loosen yourself "back to normal & balance". Maagikonloppu enempi ku -alku 8-)

So, the thing/problem I mentioned earlier, is about "what is the point to (human) life, the point of being a part of universal Unity...the consciousness of the Absolute"? To return into (perhaps in some way from a personal viewpoint) being All? Why would this be a worthwhile goal for anybody?
I compare this line of thinking with those of some modern Satanisms, where usually the concept of Unity is freely acknowledged BUT its opposite of Separateness is lauded as "the goal" instead.

Their argument appears to go something like this: Yes, the cosmos is a Unity, but we must strive to be Separate from it. Human consciousness/sentience/creativity/individuality is a gift from Satan/Set/Lucifer/[insert an equivalent entity], and that makes us all Rather Special - yet only very few people realise this fact! So we should each seek immortality for our soul/mind/spirit (with our current human-incarnated personality intact) by engaging in certain physical/psychological/esoteric practices and exercises. If we succeed in this, after our physical death we'll continue to exist as potent spirits, perhaps "possessing" weaker humans or our progeny. Or just fly around in our disembodied state. Or something like that. But in any case, those endgame scenarios seem to be considered tickets to an eternal life "as continuing being yourself".

This sort of thinking is easy to dismiss as being childish and "downwards", lacking in Compassion and a true Understanding about matters cosmo- and teleological. At least from an assumed Theosophical viewpoint.

The problem for myself remains, not stemming from logic but rather from intuition or Will or even Lovingness/Compassion or Wisdom, or from all the Threefold-Keyness thereof: why would the alleged Absolute choose to act in this way, viz: to manifest/emanate the cosmos in order to "raise up" its inhabitants back to itself, and then to "implode" everything...only to begin this cyclical process again...eternally. This is the "meaninglessness/cosmic madness" aspect aka Problem for myself currently. Higher levels needed...more XP.

Yes, maybe the oft-repeated answer "it's a mystery" is not as inane as it usually sounds...perhaps it's not all that superficial a cliché on closer inspection. Hmm, I suppose I need personally investigate further soon. A couple of times in my present lifetime, I thought I'd achieved "minisatoris" or "-samadhis" by certain methods...during those vaguely-remembered episodes I "got it all" apparently. There's a method to all this madness. We (or I) must have faith...not blind faith, but a visionary version thereof. The 3rd or 4th eyes may require opening for it to manifest.

Saatana, I've meandered enough again. Thinking aloud/allowed. Sorry whilst I wrestle with my demons...killing them means level-ups...thus illumination :roll:

Re: I see world as...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:46 am
by Smaragd
Nebenkheperu wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:28 pm Hmm, I suppose I need personally investigate further soon.
I wish to give you space for this. But to point some important notions for all readers I want to address some problems with these alleged views of some other strains of Satanism. I'm stating the following in a matter of fact way, so naturally you must do you own research and judge accordingly.
Nebenkheperu wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:28 pm I compare this line of thinking with those of some modern Satanisms, where usually the concept of Unity is freely acknowledged BUT its opposite of Separateness is lauded as "the goal" instead.

Their argument appears to go something like this: Yes, the cosmos is a Unity, but we must strive to be Separate from it.
In a way, the cosmos is the opposite of unity as it is the conditional state of manifestation which by necessity has to base on the original wound, allowing separation and dynamic existence. Cosmos bases more fundamentally on absolute unity, but in its creation is a root of disharmony of the wound. What is beyond cosmos is esoteric oneness (unity).

When we understand the above, and do not confuse the cosmos, ruled by the demiurge, with oneness of the absolute, we may recognize the need to separate from cosmos to be actually an invitation to seek the oneness beyond cosmic entities of separation. A mortifying seriousness of the blackest of ascetics undressing the aspirant from his defences - an image of Satan as the one who wears the Dark Face of God. To confuse demiurge with the unity of the absolute is the same as confusing the trials or evil suggestions of the Dark Face, with the hidden answer. Pertaining to the nature of fear, this Dark Face is often confused to tell truths brutally straight on, but unless we look to the other side of that fear (Satan works in cunning widdershin ways to test our worth) we will never know the true face behind this mask and remain ourselves brutal instead of nuanced seekers of truth. In fact the Dark Face in itself reeks of fear because it contains so intense nuance that the feeble mind of the lower self is terrified by its totality and easily gives in for brutality and coarseness in its inability to see through to the other side of the mask.

Could we say answering the call of the black ascetic to separate from the cosmic nonsense will claim godlike individuality? Perhaps, because the greatest root of occult individuality - the godlike germ - lies seemingly paradoxically within the nirvanic laya point (instead, than in the particulars of the separated world) from which cosmos bursts in to existence. But still this higher individuality needs to use the cosmic men as its instruments to operate in the world (so the cosmos is not nonsense after all...), thus a tantric unity comes in to play where this superhuman entity operates through a cosmic (lower) individual consisting of many different lives or incarnations, and perhaps further on it may guide greater numbers of individuals and the entire occult school of our solar system.

Re: I see world as...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 6:53 am
by Nebenkheperu
Ah, frater Smaragd, how I love thee. I never mentioned the Demiurgos nor Satanas...yet you brought those up in ways or in a context which I find personally quite meaningful; as if your uttered conceptions sprung forth from my very subconscious.
For me this is the main reason to peruse this forum, to learn from the individuals seemingly more illuminated than myself. Maybe?

Yet, gainsaying all that, what authority speaketh that the historical concept of a Demiurge "is" real in any sense of the word? Or even the Absolute, never mind "Satan"? These seem mere word-plays to me according to my present life-experience. If we observe "the objective universe" from our homo sapiens sapiens empirical viewpoint through the apparati of our physical/psychic senses (as we must), the above conceptions don't seem "proven" in any meaningful way, really. Mere linguistics & sophistry. Maya at best.

So we as adult humans must choose "a stance", an individual approach to life and everyday living. I think we must narrow our mindsets down to only include "the real" as it appears to our quite limited physical senses. What causes the least amount of pain for us? Perhaps the attitude of compassion & unity-thinking vs. selfishness & separateness. Both of these could likely be lies, or better said meaninglessnesses, but the measuring-rod is how they affect our daily lives.
I'd vote for lovingness and all the rest, since it reduces stress in everyday life, as compared to the attitude of hostility towards...everybody. Also from the angle of cultural "honour" as a personal behavioural guidepost.

But all of this remains quite arbitrary, as it probably must. There's no deeper meaning to any of this. The secret is that there isn't a secret. seems somewhat easy to live according to this, without becoming morose or suicidal. Mayhaps a test of character? Of course doesn't matter. We all must create our meanings & never mind the end of life. It takes care of itself, so we instead need to look at its middle and therefrom to its beginning 🤧