Intelligence as a social concept

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Intelligence as a social concept

Post by Smaragd »

Nefastos wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:10 pm "What is intelligence?
Why, responded the Eminence, it is no more than a human occupation; an activity which men put their brains to, as frog kicks his legs to swim; it is a standard which men in their egotism use to measure other and perhaps nobler races, who are thereby dumbfounded."

– Avatar's Apprentice, in Scroll from the Ninth Dimension (Jack Vance: Star King, XI)

I heartily agree, although what is meant by intelligence here is kâma manas, not pure manas, which is universal.
This is why the term 'sapiosexual' has a very similar cling to it as choosing a partner according to outer beauty or social status alone. Separated in to their own islands they are all some kind of potential recognition capabilities of their own areas of humanity, the values of which the human Will is able to consciously try and balance. That is, if they understand there is a whole which can be balanced. Identifying as sapiosexual or whatever tends to place so much emphasis on these areas that sometimes the recognized potential in intelligence gets petrified in to the identification process.

This can happen in multiple ways, for example, the unconscious recognition of a need to move one's practice of intelligence further from plain kama manas under the guidance of manas, can happen by the eroto-magnetic pull in to circles where this challenge is presented by the others. But if one reduces this mystery in to plain identification as sapiosexual, then in some cases one's own adoration of the intelligent projects the potential of oneself outside of themselves and never allow realizing the manasic capabilities in themselves. Ofcourse this process can be also good, and the adoration is in such cases a preliminary step where the adorated capabilities actually starts taking place in oneself after projecting it in to others first. But in order this to happen, one must have consistent practice for the capabilities and surrender to the process of trial and error.
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Re: Intelligence as a social concept

Post by Nefastos »

I tend to agree that people who place much emphasis on "intelligence" – as a sexually magnetical trait or something else affecting our sociological lives as an actor by itself, separated from the objects & modes of its study – often see it in a quite an outer, sociological sense. But that is how fetishes necessarily work; they are part of the battery of kâma, and thus completely neutral machinations. In my opinion it is not in any way more elevated a stance to feel aroused by "intelligence" than being aroused by silicone breasts. Luckily, it seems that already the society's view on "intelligence" has been much expanded from my youth, when it was a common mistake to pair actual intelligence with an IQ number derived from how one handles certain succinct mathematical tests.

I had to throw quotation marks all around since personally I only attach true intelligence to manas, and see kâma manasic intelligence exactly like Vance above. Yet I also dislike the old Platonic way of calling the higher intelligence reason. It gives even more wrong idea with our contemporary associations. And thus we have intelligence and intelligence, the one of the occultist and the other of the social circles. They should meet, of course, but they are the same only rarely.
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Re: Intelligence as a social concept

Post by Nefastos »

Since intelligence is such a key concept in occultism and its varieties should be understood manifold, a little more on the subject. Principles of intelligence are kâma manas (formal) and manas (formless), but in addition to these there are their correspondences in each other principle, since every human (as well as cosmic) principle holds the others as its sub-principles. Thus we have all the following forms of intelligence in a human being:

Kâma manas of linga
Manas of linga
Kâma manas of kâma
Manas of kâma
Linga of kâma manas
Kâma of kâma manas
Kâma manas of kâma manas
Prâna of kâma manas
Manas of kâma manas
Buddhi of kâma manas
Âtma of kâma manas
Kâma manas of prâna
Manas of prâna
Linga of manas
Kâma of manas
Kâma manas of manas
Prâna of manas
Manas of manas
Buddhi of manas
Âtma of manas
Kâma manas of buddhi
Manas of buddhi
Kâma manas of âtma
Manas of âtma
24 forms of intelligence total

Kâma manas of linga: memory of the body, well known to therapists &c.
Manas of linga: intuitive understanding of the body about holistic balances, important in the arch of evolution both personal (spiritual) and non-personal (physical evolution of forms)
Kâma manas of kâma: collective instinct
Manas of kâma: gut-feelings of social intelligence (intuitions on social interaction)
Linga of kâma manas: foundation of geometric intelligence in brain (and in lesser extent in the body)
Kâma of kâma manas: foundation of mathematical intuition in its crudest form (closely knit to self-preservation and selfish calculation)
Kâma manas of kâma manas: logic-crunching machine, counting I's and O's in every subsystem in conscious use
Prâna of kâma manas: ability to access personal memory banks
Manas of kâma manas: abstract intelligence (mathematics, sophism)
Buddhi of kâma manas: balancing intellect (important in social interaction)
Âtma of kâma manas: creative formal intelligence (the main part of organisatory talent)
Kâma manas of prâna: ability to create or access personal memory banks in a helpful way
Manas of prâna: ability to create or access memory matrices that bridge personal and superpersonal experience
Linga of manas: intellectual vigor, curiosity, ability to bring truth-seeking into action
Kâma of manas: thirst of deeper knowledge and ability to add to one's wisdom
Kâma manas of manas: metaphysical thought
Prâna of manas: kundalinî of the soul (as opposed to kundalinî in the body, a little different aspect, although connected)
Manas of manas: the real Ego, the processing creative thinker
Buddhi of manas: wisdom
Âtma of manas: divine mind in a human being
Kâma manas of buddhi: organisatory, balancing aspect of inner sense of oneness also known as love
Manas of buddhi: the point where factual oneness of matrices is seen and operated
Kâma manas of âtma: (one's point of access to) the universe as one vast but seemingly merciless machine to reach higher evolution &c. (divine master Satan)
Manas of âtma: (one's point of access to) the unity of true cosmic intellect beyond that machine: one in all and all in one, realized in hyper clear and still operable thought

"Intelligence as a social concept" is seen in these everywhere where the word kâma (=desire) is part of the term, since kâma is always partly social construction, being born from (or giving birth to) interaction between individuals and wholes. On the other hand, those sub-principles which have no connection to kâma are inner and individual abilities.
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Re: Intelligence as a social concept

Post by AnssiV »

Im reading a book called holy science and here is mentioned ”24 basic principles of creation” is this same thing or related? I attach the pages here.
3C31DA2F-6C31-4DAC-8B19-D5DA1E899649.jpeg (1.2 MiB) Viewed 6279 times
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Re: Intelligence as a social concept

Post by Nefastos »

AnssiV wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:35 amIm reading a book called holy science and here is mentioned ”24 basic principles of creation” is this same thing or related? I attach the pages here.

They correspond closely, and the tattwas mentioned in the book are the shaktis of the intelligence principles in a human being, vice versa in the macrocosmic scheme. The "five gross matters" i.e. elements must here be taken as the matrices of these elements, and not their outer energetics. In other words, their Laws, which are telos and cosmic sense. The principles mentioned by name under the heading of Twenty-four Elders are the following manasic aspects of the four highest principles:

Manas (the Mind)
~ Manas of manas: the real Ego, the processing creative thinker

Buddhi (the Intelligence):
~ Manas of buddhi: the point where factual oneness of matrices is seen and operated

Chitta (the Heart):
~ Manas of âtma: (one's point of access to) the unity of true cosmic intellect beyond that machine: one in all and all in one, realized in hyper clear and still operable thought [Cf. Patanjali's vital instruction to purify this chitta]

Ahamkara (the Ego):
~ Manas of prâna: ability to create or access memory matrices that bridge personal and superpersonal experience

(Note and do not be confused by the different use of terms "Ego" and "Intelligence" in the systems.)
Faust: "Lo contempla. / Ei muove in tortuosa spire / e s'avvicina lento alla nostra volta. / Oh! se non erro, / orme di foco imprime al suol!"