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Re: Reading circle (Antoine Faivre:Western Esotericism - A Concise History)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:46 am
by Kenazis
pages 104 - 109


1) Arts and literature

The prose and poetry of Oscar Vadislav Milosz, Alexander Blok and Fernando Pessoa all were drawing influences from the esoteric current. The surrealists (for example André Breton) were influenced by ” occult sciences”. In works of fiction we see the influence of esotericism in the works of Gustav Meyrink, Mircea Eliade, Hermann Hesse, Charles Williams, Raymond Abellio and Dion Fortune. Later we see this interest for esotericism in Dan Brown’s and Umberto Eco’s books (both been greeted by huge success). Beside the literature the esotericism and occult sciences influenced also other forms of art like architecture, music and off course painting and sculpting.

2) Psychology and humanities

Sigmund Freud’s theories and success owns much to Naturphilosophie’s discovery of unconsciousness, and psychologist Herbert Silberer was first to suggest a psychoanalytical reading of alchemical texts. However, Carl Gustav Jung is the one that is seen the great explorer of western alchemical texts through psychological lenses.

3) Historiography of western esotericism

Faivre repeats his earlier statement that it’s necessary two distinguish historians of esotericism in two different categories. The being the generalists and those who study specific authors or currents. Some are both.
Some generalists: Karl R. H. Frick (deals especially with esoteric societies), James Webb (has clarified various aspects of occultist currents), J. Gordon Melton (has edited useful encyclopedia) and Joscelyn Godwin (professor of musicology who has pursued variety of researches).