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Fosforos - The Dark Face & my inner Resistance.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:36 am
by LoopGodel

I am continuing my study of Fosforos and recently read "The Dark Face". As the book states, this whole section is the most Satanic portion of the text and I must say that I found it very challenging. While the early sections of the book emphasised the underlying Unity - reflecting it's Theosophical roots - The Dark Face seems to be calling one to adopt a unequivocal, anti-God position to the point where I am wondering if this could be classed as anti-cosmic Satanism - at least in this section of the book.

I am not saying that it "is" proposing such a view, but rather that my emotional/psychic reaction to it felt like that was the case. A lot of psychological resistance is coming up, which I see as positive, even if I want to recoil.

When you have time, I would appreciate your perspective on how this fits with the core teaching of ultimate Oneness, the importance of Love etc. I can certainly see the importance of deconstructing old, limiting beliefs & ideas about self, God, the Cosmos etc - that's why I'm on this journey. However The Dark Face feels so anti-cosmic and nihilistic right now, that I find it very hard to relate to. Hate is not something I want to channel much energy into.

I am taking my journey & study of this text seriously, which is why I want to be honest and ask these types of questions. It might be that I need to read it over several times in light of the text as a whole and that in time, it's deeper meaning - beyond the initial visceral reaction it evokes in me - will emerge.

Thanks to everyone for making this a vibrant and constructive space in which to discuss these profound concepts.


Re: Fosforos - The Dark Face & my inner Resistance.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:46 am
by Kavi
Maybe I am not the right guy to answer, but considering that Dark Face is latest part I have re-read, I could give it a try.

I have always wondered that people think this part of the book as promotion of "anticosmic Satanism". I probably get the idea why, but in my opinion in Dark face the idea isn't just to banish God from Anti-God.
In philosophy of Oneness it tries to grasp something on both.

For me it has always been clear that if one must face Satan this will bring up questions and challenges as well.
Hate of this world, that is so full of injustice, that one starts to question is God good?
If there is such thing as oneness, wouldn't there be also the reflection of one in two? It is the dissonance of dyad which rapes all the beauty of the one.
Because the two is in the one - so what the hell are you, one? Causing people to crawl in pain in this two-doored world which is mostly filled with misery and thousands of traps lingering before our eyes.
I myself took this section more poetically - you would want to read book of Job while reading this.

There is also some parts written in irony. I have interpreted that Nefastos is having a thought-play on anticosmic satanism - what if we'd destroy everything?
I think it is wrong to think that text means that this shall be the whole answer - we must rise with satanic pride and be even better than the God. God is not perfect - maybe we aren't either but we could try at least and face the possibility to burn in hell.
In some Christian theology God had to banish Satan in order to really be perfect. But I wouldn't call that perfect if you divide your being into half and reject some attributes.

In my opinion the Absolute is so huge,that my eyes could never see It. One is like a note you never hear in this world, it escapes you and you never reach it.
On the other hand all pettiness, all evil, if you may, seems to be even more real to some extent.
The man-made concept God is something you can hate - dissect and analyse.
I am not sure if others have had same thinking but I see Hate corresponding with Manas and Love with Buddhi.
In my opinion we need both in order to reach the unity, Atma.
You can hate the illusion, which isn't real, but you could also love it for what it is and see somehow over the dualism.

I probably didn't even answer the question, but at least I got written something :D

Re: Fosforos - The Dark Face & my inner Resistance.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:16 pm
by LoopGodel
Hi Kavi.

Thank you for your thoughtful perspective on this - I will re-read it. You certainly shed some light & it is helpful to me.

For quite some time I have seen the Christian view of Satan as an easy theological cop-out, to project all the seeming evil in this world, away from God - to get Jehovah off the hook as it were - and onto the "Other". Satan then becomes the literal scape-goat, echoing the idea of a man dying on a cross for the sins of everyone else.

What I like and resonate the most with in your words Kavi, is that you honour the mystery that lies at the heart of it all. It reminds me that I need to keep pushing forward, into the Darkness - to trust that even though my illusions & false sense of self/reality will die in the process - which may well fill me with fear and dread - my essential Self can never die because it was never born.

I sense that last sentence is true, but I am a long way from knowing it in the real sense of the word.

As for Satan, this Being/Archetype, is possibly the deepest cosmic Mystery of all. I am beginning to wonder for the very first time in my life, whether the key to my Self that I have been searching for, is to be found in the Darkness. I have searched for 30+ years and not found it in the Light.

I would be lying if I said that the outer "face" of Satan didn't scare me - terrify me even. The question for me now is, "what is the inner face of this Being?" and how might I make contact with this Being, beyond my projections & illusions?

It feels good to be on this forum and have others like yourselves walking the Path.

Thank you.


Re: Fosforos - The Dark Face & my inner Resistance.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:49 pm
by Cerastes
LoopGodel wrote:As for Satan, this Being/Archetype, is possibly the deepest cosmic Mystery of all. I am beginning to wonder for the very first time in my life, whether the key to my Self that I have been searching for, is to be found in the Darkness. I have searched for 30+ years and not found it in the Light.

I would be lying if I said that the outer "face" of Satan didn't scare me - terrify me even. The question for me now is, "what is the inner face of this Being?" and how might I make contact with this Being, beyond my projections & illusions?
Hello LoopGodel, great that there is another non-silent guest ;)

I can only give you my personal experience on this without speaking for anyone else.
Choosing one side (dark or bright face) to me turned out as a big mistake. Sometimes things you despise most are the things that start to control you. (Same goes for sexuality eg.) This is when they become dangerous. Like the hateful man is secretly longing for love, so does the loving man hate in secret and sometimes those things manifest in another way- like fear, passive aggression or whatever.
„The dark face” is actually favorite part of the book.
Why? Because Fosforos would be as incomplete as other books without this.
It is exactly what a lot of ideologies try to cut out. Nevertheless, starring into the light all the time while avoiding darkness makes people blind- and vice versa.
People need to know both faces. (This is pretty much what I see in the SoA sigil, without really knowing the intention behind it)
One of the biggest lies of other religions is that one can just despise all hate and what stays is endless love. There is this mono causality in the head of many that hate leads to violence, so without hate there’s no violence. But not the hate causes violence but the inability to explore it and to deal with it.

However, I don't think I could explain the inner being of Satan for the simple reason that it resonates different to people. Maybe it is something that everyone needs to explore him/herself. Fosforos helped me a lot here, it might help you too.

Re: Fosforos - The Dark Face & my inner Resistance.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:25 pm
by Nefastos
Very good thoughts from everyone.

Fra Kavi mentioned The Book of Job. In the same page where at the end of Discordamelior's Dark Faces is given Job's malediction (p.91), that book also ends with the word "dixit" instead of the usual "finis". This word, meaning "He (has) said it", refers to the words of an outer master, which in this case means, that the teaching in the Dark Faces part is not to be confused with the inner voice, ie. the voice of silence. It is, rather, a dilemma to be opened. But to consider an occult dilemma as a one outside oneself guarantees failure. The reader must consider the words as they are read, even though "the seventh book" (footnotes) may provide some help.

Re: Fosforos - The Dark Face & my inner Resistance.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:28 pm
by LoopGodel
Thanks everyone. I will ponder all the comments and re-read the Dark Face section in light of them.
