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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:50 pm
by Yinlong
Afterglow seems to be often referred in the talks of different users and experimenters of psychoactive drugs, like LSD or magic mushrooms. It points to a certain feeling after the trip, which might continue anything between hours and weeks. Maybe even months. Mostly it means that for awhile things look a bit different than they used to.

However, how this topic popped up was a random talk after Lucifer lodge's most recent meeting, while walking back to the city center. I personally like the term very much, as it describes well also the (non-drug caused) aftermath and feeling after one has concluded something personally significant, experienced or otherwise achieved a state of mind that has caused so profound effect in thinking that the waning effect has lasted notably a long time. I think it is to some degree similar feeling when you fall in love - and suddenly even the birds seem to sing differently. ;) Also, when falling in love a person often rethinks or goes through things that one might not reconsider normally. However, at least I have personally noted that there are certain differences too. Especially as in this thought or experience invoked afterglow one does not think things through a person but maybe through an idea or even some feeling that might not be so well described with words.

So, after this introduction, I'd humbly like to invite you to share some experiences, thoughts, and perhaps some more academic studies, references or literature regarding the topic you recognize of being part of this magical afterglow state of mind.

Re: Afterglow

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:15 pm
by RaktaZoci
An interesting topic, I remember our former discussion on these grounds. At that moment I didn't have sufficient time to express my own opinion, so let me try now..

I see the perspective you are presenting here, but personally I have always seen the term in slightly different light. I believe that when a person reaches a certain stage he or she starts emitting a glow, which is a reflection of that persons inner state. This can be both positive or negative; We speak often that people who are upset make others around them upset too, or have a tendency to do so. This works also on an opposite example, even though it might annoy some people.

This is a complex matter, though, because I feel that there is a possibility to manipulate this glow, if one possesses such an ability. For an untrained eye this deception might be quite difficult, if not impossible, to notice. I do think, however, that there is one force that can penetrate this deceptive veil, and that is The Truth. It can be sensed, if a person is being genuine or not, but I suppose this requires a certain amount of intuitive skill as well.

The latter part of my name does not translate to "glow" for no reason, you know.. ;)

Re: Afterglow

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:18 pm
by Yinlong
I probably initially wanted to keep the discussion slightly apart of what is true or The Truth, though I understand why bringing that up is relevant.

As many people like to say: information is not knowledge. Similarly I guess you can say: (any kind of feeling or) awareness is not (necessarily being aware of) the truth. Or as in this case, one most probably needs to study a lot the feelings they have, no matter how extraordinary they might feel personally. That is also probably partly related to the kind of prolonged glow - or maintaining/manipulating the glow - you mentioned. I do feel as well, that enhancing or manipulating such a state of mind could be very possible. Good points, too, about the negative effects around with the non-positive equivalent of "afterglow" phenomenon. Usually thinking the other side of the matter brings more perspective, as is in this case.

Nevertheless, I guess with some caution and knowledge, many things that enable questioning normal routes and routines of thought can be useful, at least at some points in life.

I do admit, too, that I like to sometimes take some terms and words, which might have mostly negative connotations, and try if they could play a different role when changing the context slightly :)
RaktaZoci wrote: The latter part of my name does not translate to "glow" for no reason, you know.. ;)
Haha, touché there! No wonder you were the first to answer this ;)

Re: Afterglow

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:10 am
by Nokkonen
I'm not entirely sure if this is what you mean by afterglow, but I've had experiences that feel like mental earthquakes after which nothing is as it used to be and things are seen in different light. Yes, my early experiments with hallucinogens had this effect as they profoundly -- and permanently -- altered my mental landscape (trust me, the change was welcome!), but also other profound experiences were like that, like important self-reflections, encounters with the Ineffable, loving, death, and giving birth.

You are right that some experiences are so significant that they take a while to "fade" and I rather like you describing that as afterglow. I've always associated the word afterglow with sex and post-orgasmic bliss, however! But post-orgasmic bliss is an intense and possibly life altering experience too, so that's very befitting.

I can't say anything more general about afterglows -- just my own experiences. I crave intense experiences, stepping aside from the ordinary reality for a while, and changing. I guess I am a kind of a junkie for altered states of consciousness, which are mostly not caused by drugs, but living life and practicing occultism.