Magia keskiajalla

Vakaumukset, moraalisäännöt, muut seurat ja uskonnot.
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Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:05 am

Magia keskiajalla

Post by _xzu »

Huomasin, että Courserassa on alkamassa Universitat de Barcelonan tuottama MOOC Magic in the Middle Ages. Kurssi on ilmainen, mutta halutessaan voi suorittaa sertifikaatin n. 50 dollarilla.

Jos aihe kiinnostaa, kurssi löytyy täältä: .

About this course: Magical thought has always attracted human imagination. In this course we will introduce you to the Middle Ages through a wide conception of magic. Students will have an approach to medieval culture, beliefs and practices from the perspective of History and History of Science. Popular magic, as well as learned magic (alchemy, geomancy and necromancy) will be addressed. Moreover, we will also deal with how eastern practices and texts influenced western culture. In July 2016, the course will contain a brand-new module devoted to astrology. Magic in the Middle Ages offers a captivating overview of medieval society and promotes reflection about certain stereotypes associated with this period.

At the end of the course, the students:

a) will have overcome the usual prejudices about the Middle Ages,
b) will be able to analyze historical documentation from the Middle Ages and recognize the most common patterns of juridical documents regarding witchcraft, and
c) will be capable of distinguishing between popular magic and the magic of the learned people; will have a notion of which spiritual practices were allowed in medieval Europe and which ones were related to the devil, and will be aware of the link between a cultural product and the society that produced it.

This course is taught in English, although subtitles in English, Catalan and Spanish will also be provided.


Week 1. Introduction to medieval magic (Pau Castell).

Week 2. Magic & Heresy (Delfi I. Nieto-Isabel).

Week 3. From Magic to Witchcraft (Pau Castell).

Week 4. Magic in Islam (Godefroid de Callataÿ and Sébastien Moureau).

Week 5. Astrology & Geomancy (Theo Loinaz, Delfi I. Nieto-Isabel, Godefroid de Callataÿ and Blanca Villuendas).

© Gemma Pellissa Prades (coord.), Delfi I. Nieto-Isabel and Joana Palau Mumany
Magic in the Middle Ages by Gemma Pellissa Prades (coord.), Delfi I. Nieto-Isabel and Joana Palau Mumany is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:05 am

Re: Magia keskiajalla

Post by _xzu »

Kurssimateriaali tuli saataville pari päivää sitten ja vihdoin ehdin katsomaan ensimmäisen viikon läpi. Sisältönä oli pintapuolinen katsaus keskiajan magian historiallisiin lähtökohtiin ja asemaan. Lyhyesti sanottuna magian asema kansan keskuudessa oli vahva, kunnes kirkko aloitti sen järjestelmällisen kampanjoinnin ja mustamaalauksen, koska sitä pidettiin uhkana sekä kirkon että valtaapitävien vallalle. Yhdessä tieteellisen ajattelutavan kehityksen kanssa saatiin suuret massat käännytettyä pois "vanhoista tavoista".

Lyhyistä videoluennoista, jotka on muuten selkeästi ja mielenkiintoisesti toteutettuja, kävi myös ilmi, että kurssi ei ota kantaan magian toimivuuteen, vaan esittelee sen keskiaikaisia käytäntöjä ja tapaa nähdä maailmaa.

Jos aihe kiinnostaa, niin kannattaa ihmeessä käydä rekisteröitymässä ilmaiseen versioon. Vaikka lyhyellä nettikurssilla asioita ehditään käydä aika suppeasti läpi, niin viikkokohtaisista bibliografioista löytyy varmasti kaikille joitain uusia perspektiivejä tarjoavia teoksia. Ainakin ne tarjoavat motivaatiota kieltenopiskeluun ;)

Tässä vielä tarkemmat viikkokohtaiset sisällöt:

Week 1:
Introduction to Medieval Magic

Introduction 2 min
The Idea of Magic 3 min
The Ancient Precedents 5 min
Magic and Superstition in Christian Europe 6 min
The Decline of Magic 7 min
Quiz: Test 1 10 questions Due July 24, 11:59 PM PDT

Week 2:
Magic and Heresy

Church versus Magic: The Early Middle Ages 8 min
The Rise and Fall of Natural Magic 5 min
Persecution Unleashed 6 min
The Tale of the Not-So-Evil Inquisitor 7 min
Necromancy: When Demons Spoke Latin 7 min
Quiz: Test 1 10 questions Due July 31, 11:59 PM PDT
Optional video I: Eastern Jewish Communities: A Bit of Context 7 min
Optional video II: The Jewish Idea of Magic 6 min

Week 3:
From Magic to Witchcraft

The Medieval Origin of the Crime of Witchcraft 3 min
Witchcraft and Maleficent Magic 7 min
The Mythology of Witchcraft 8 min
Medieval Witchcraft Trials (I) 6 min
Medieval Witchcraft Trials (II) 6 min
Quiz: Test 1 10 questions Due August 7, 11:59 PM PDT
Peer Graded Assignment: Studying and inquisitorial manual 1h Due August 7, 11:59 PM PDT
Review Your Peers: Studying and inquisitorial manual Due August 10, 11:59 PM PDT
Optional video: Medieval Sources on Witchcraft (I) 6 min
Optional video: Medieval Sources on Witchcraft (II) 5 min

Week 4:
Magic in Islam

The Varieties of Magic in Islam 9 min
How Was Magic Received in Islam? 8 min
The Ikhwān al- Ṣafā’ on Magic and the Occult 8 min
The Science of the Letters 10 min
Alchemy I: Arabic Alchemy 8 min
Alchemy II: Arabo-Latin Alchemy 9 min
Quiz: Test 1 10 questions Due August 14, 11:59 PM PDT

Week 5:
Astrology & Geomancy

Medieval Astrology: Between Science and Magic 5 min
The Melting Pot of Medieval Astrology 6 min
Early Medieval Astronomy: the Moon, the Zodiac, Thunders and Dreams 7 min
Horoscopes and World Events: the Doings of High-End Astrology 6 min
Geomancy 11 min
Quiz: Test 1 10 questions Due August 21, 11:59 PM PDT
Peer Graded Assignment: Analysing astrological images 1h Due August 21, 11:59 PM PDT
Review Your Peers: Analysing astrological images Due August 24, 11:59 PM PDT
Optional video-On World Cycles 1: The Great Year Doctrine in Antiquity (1) 5 min
Optional video-On World Cycles 1: The Great Year Doctrine in Antiquity (2) 7 min
Optional video-On World Cycles 2: The Great Year Doctrine in the Middle Ages (1) 9 min
Optional video-On World Cycles 2: The Great Year Doctrine in the Middle Ages (2) 6 min