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Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:02 pm
by Vanadís
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Phillip Cooper: Esoteric Magic and the Cabala
Master the Material World and Discover the Mysteries Beyond

kunto: hyvä
Hinta: 8e

Magic harnesses the vast potential of the subconscious mind. The only realistic magical path is one of individual effort that leads to truth. Esoteric Magic and the Cabala is both positive and realistic. It helps readers learn to use the Tree of Life as a means of classifying knowledge, of observing an interrelated whole, a method that provides the tools for endless self-discovery.

The study of magic is divided into two distinct disciplines: practical and esoteric. Practical magic uses the power of the mind to attain physical results such as more money, a bigger house, better health. Esoteric magic, the subject of Phillip Cooper’s new book, focuses on the quest for greater understanding and mental discipline. Its aims are the discovery of inner truths and the understanding of the workings of creation.

Cheung, Theresa: The Element Encyclopedia of Ghosts & Hauntings

Kunto: uudenveroinen
Hinta: 5e + pk 8e (postipaketti tai sovitaan nouto Hki/Espoo jos ei kiirettä)

This is the definitive A-Z reference book on all things psychic, mysterious and paranormal – the marvels, secrets and mysteries of the visible and the invisible world. This wonderful guide covers everything you could want to know including ghosts, strange phenomena, people, places, events, and ideas. The Element Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Hauntings is a fascinating compendium of worldwide paranormal activity, with explanations of strange phenomena from both folklore and modern scientific research. Featuring factual information on mediums and near–death experiences, ghosts, levitation, telepathy, astral travel, precognition, evidence for the afterlife, spirit guides, haunted sites, famous historical figures, documented experiments, and much more.

Rankine, David & D’Este Sorita: Practical Elemental Magick - Working the Magick of Air Fire Water & Earth in the Western Esoteric Tradition

uudenveroinen, parissa sivussa vähän taittumaa
Hinta: 12e + pk

Working magick with the elements helps to connect us to the tangibly present natural powers in our physical world, whilst at the same time we are returning to the building blocks of magick by rooting our feet in the material world. Since Empedocles formalized the system in ancient Greece in the 5th century BCE, the four elements have become an integral part of the Western Esoteric Tradition – passing from ancient Greek magick, through the Qabalah, & Grimoire Traditions into modern derivative traditions of ceremonial magick and paganism. In Practical Elemental Magick the authors provide an unprecedented combination of research and techniques for working the magick of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, as well as the spiritual creatures associated with each. The Elemental Gods, Archangels, rulers and other types of elemental beings (including Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines & Gnomes) are discussed and explored.

St. John of The Cross: Dark Night of the Soul

Kunto: tyydyttävä, pokkari 1959
Hinta: 4e

A 16th-century mystic who wrote of man's relationship with God, St. John of the Cross was also a Carmelite monk who helped reform the Order and aided St. Teresa of Avila in establishing new convents for women. In this book — his spiritual masterpiece and a classic of Christian literature and mysticism — he addresses several subjects, among them pride, avarice, envy, and other human imperfections. He also provides an extended explanation of Divine love; and describes methods of conversion through prayer, submission, and purification. "the most faithful [translation] that has appeared in any European language: it is, indeed, much more than a translation for [Peers] added his own valuable historical and [critically interpretive] notes." — London Times.

Murray, Margaret A.: The God of the Witches

Kunto: hyvä, päällystetty
Hinta: 8e + pk

This celebrated study of witchcraft in Europe traces the worship of the pre-Christian and prehistoric Horned God from paleolithic times to the medieval period. Murray, the first to turn a scholarly eye on the mysteries of witchcraft, enables us to see its existence in the Middle Ages not as an isolated and terrifying phenomenon, but as the survival of a religion nearly as old as humankind itself, whose devotees held passionately to a view of life threatened by an alien creed. The findings she sets forth, once thought of as provocative and implausible, are now regarded as irrefutable by folklorists and scholars in related fields. Exploring the rites and ceremonies associated with witchcraft, Murray establishes the concept of the "dying god"- the priest-king who was ritually killed to ensure the country and its people a continuity of fertility and strength. In this light, she considers such figures as Thomas a Becket, Joan of Arc, and Gilles de Rais as spiritual leaders whose deaths were ritually imposed.

Malborough, Ray T: The Magical Power of the Saints – Evocation and Candle Rituals

Kunto: tyydyttävä, kannessa taittumajälki
Hinta: 5e

This book can be your personal guide to help you call on the saints as your spiritual allies. You will learn how to work with seventy-four different saints through the use of "seven-day vigil candles" (saint candles), prayers, psalms, herbal baths, and more. For example, you would call on Saint Benedict (whose candle color is white and day of the week is Saturday) to help end fevers, heal sick animals and more. You might call on Our Lady of Charity (whose candle color is yellow and day of the week is also Saturday) for protection of the home and family, to bring a new lover, or to obtain better finances.

Setälä, Päivi: Keskiajan nainen

Kunto: hyvä, osassa kirjaa merkintöjä mustekynällä
Hinta: 6e

Antiikin tutkimukseen ja naishistoriaan perehtynyt Päivi Setälä on siirtynyt hiukan myöhäisempään aikaan ja kirjoittanut yleistajuisen teoksen keskiajan naisen elämästä. Setälän teos on selvästi kirjoitettu suurelle yleisölle nykyisen trendin innoittamana, ja sille on varmasti kysyntää keskiajasta innostuneiden keskuudessa. Kirjaan on koottu yleisluonnehdintoja, kuuluisia keskiajan naisia ja joitakin vähän tuntemattomampiakin ihmiskohtaloita.